Leo Mehl
LEO MEHL spent 37 years with Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company (17 as the Worldwide Director of Racing) before retiring and then being pressed back into service by Tony George for three seasons (1997–99) as Executive Director of the Indy Racing League. Among the first to be assigned to Goodyear’s brand-new Competition Department in 1963, he later served four years in Europe as head of its Formula One program. He was named Director of Racing (United States) in 1973 and given the worldwide responsibility in 1978. His pleasant, homespun, diplomatic approach to dealing with such politically charged and diversified forms of international motorsports as Formula One, NASCAR (National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing), United States Auto Club, Championship Auto Racing Teams, Sports Car Club of America, International Motor Sports Association, European motorcycle racing, American Motorcycle Association, and drag racing, to name but a few, led to him being universally respected in the sport.